SimpleOres Wiki

The Fusion Furnace plug-in adds three alloys to Simple Ores. These are all created via the Fusion Furnace.


Bronze is the basic alloy of the plug-in, useful as a utility material. It is an alloy made by fusing Copper and Tin in the Fusion Furnace. This produces Bronze Chunks, which are used to create Bronze Ingots. These can then be used to make Bronze Tools and Bronze Armor, as well as Bronze Storage Blocks.


Thyrium is a powerful alloy, useful for powerful swords, and long lasting (and highly enchantable) tools and armor. It is an alloy made by fusing Mythril and Adamantium in the Fusion Furnace. This produces Thyrium Chunks, which are used to create Thyrium Ingots. These can then be used to make Thyrium Tools (including the Thyrium Bow) and Thyrium Armor, as well as Thyrium Storage Blocks.


Sinisite is the most powerful material in the Simple Ores set. It is an alloy made by fusing Mythril and Onyx in the Fusion Furnace. This produces Sinisite Chunks, which are used to create Sinisite Ingots. These can then be used to make Sinisite Tools (including the Sinisite Bow) and Sinisite Armor, as well as Sinisite Storage Blocks.
